back to John Hertz, fanwriter

Poetry Corner

from Vanamonde (2006)

Where are the loquats?
I forgot it was July
With my human mind. [Van 690]

Riddling at the Renaissance Pleasure Faire® [Van 675]

To some I show a vital sign,
They fly to me for food.
To others I've no use at all,
Who think, in me that's good.
They all must love me for my beauty,
Although some pluck me from my duty.
(A flower)

Who can say what someone means?
And yet that is my task;
I put words in people's mouths,
I praise, I blame, I ask.
Life would be vaguer without me:
A horse, or a lion, would resemble thee.

Say to them they can
Always strike a light; their fire
New hope and heart, song, dance,
Teach, even, a brighter life. [Van 671; St. Patrick's Day]

As I wait to write,
Wash water on my fingers
Evaporating. [Van 660]